Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Let's Get Started

Carson has officially started elementary school in Mrs.Crow's kindergarten class! He is an Alston Ridge gator and has wasted no time making new friends (he holds hands with Isabella on the way to class daily). Buddy has also kept up with his sports, including soccer, swimming (he can swim without floaties), roller blading (he can now skate backwards),
tennis, biking and he also hit a baseball on the Durham Bulls field! He loves to talk sports and teams (mainly football and hockey) and makes his dad proud :). He also visited a pumpkin patch with Nanny this fall, and plans to be Donatello for Halloween! Mr.Carson had an eventful summer as well...following Lilia's visit at Topsail, Carsy met baby Lane and Kelsey's family at Key West! There, he went sea kayaking and swam miles in the pool. In August, he visited the zoo and celebrated grandpa and dad's birthdays shortly after, where he gladly accepted the candle blowing task. C is almost 5 1/2 now, and he deekes around me with confidence in carpet hockey. He is always eager to play games, especially in the morning when grandpa is half awake and Carson says "c'mon grandpa let's get started."