Monday, December 12, 2011


Little Carson Boyd had a busy week! He met with Mr. Santa Clause who said HO HO HO, and asked Santa for stickers for Christmas! Carsy also cheered ‘First…DOWN!’ and ‘get him’ at a wolfpack game, and loved the Disney-on-Ice show. He can pick out all colors in the ‘I spy little eye’ game, as he calls it. He’s funny at the sticker store at the checkout as he says ‘Pay it lady?’. After he learns that he can pick out 1 sticker book, he says ‘how bout 2 stickers?’…and we end up leaving with about 12 books. Other funny exchanges are when C finds out it’s bed time and he says ‘how bout kick ball?’, and when it’s time to leave the park: ‘how bout NO’. Other Carsyisms are ‘ada..Hello Carsy’ when he’s imitating the scary masked hockey man in his deep voice, ‘want some cheese?’ when he’s hungry, ‘doctor do bandaid on it?’ if someone gets hurt, and ‘doggy comin, HOLD YOU?’ when he wants to be picked up. Carson loves turning the xmas tree lights on and off and spotting the Charlie Brown ornament. A potty conversation goes like this: ‘Did you peepee in the potty buddy?’, C: ‘Yeah’, ‘You did buddy!?’, C: ‘Yes, I did!’. He’s such a sports fanatic and loves to ‘kick ball up higher!’.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Watch this

Carsy is at the "watch this" stage...he's a little performer...everything from singing humpty dumpty and ba-ba-black-sheep, to jumping and imitating the grown-ups. He really is starting to use the potty well...even asks to go use it. Carson can spell his own name, count to 13+ and talk on the phone! He was a halloween puppy this year and likes to imitate a puppy. His vocabulary is amazing and he is a sticker fanatic!!!!! He laughs when grandpa does the 'monster coming' routine. He attended his first hockey game and saw Stormy! He can sing 'let's go Canes'. What a good boy!

Friday, October 14, 2011


Carson picked out his own 'orsange' colored pumpkin last week. He is funny and 'smart' (likes to point to his temple when he says it). He laughed endlessly at the 'matching socks' episode on sesame street. He still is a monkey joe's fanatic and his new love is kicking the soccer ball every night. He read books at the library and petted Texas Pete the turtle at the museum. He likes to say 'happy?' and 'sad' and see our facial expressions. He loves to take the phone and have a long conversation with you, and talks a mile a minute! He's excited to be a 'halloween puppy' in a few weeks. Love you buddy!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Giddy Up

Carson turned 28 months this week! He howled like a wolf at a football game, saw a puppet show and rode a pony at a festival! Little C seems smarter than ever; he says the whole abc song by himself and remembers everything you say!...even the word 'remember'. He enjoys mango ice cream cones, coloring and stickers, and 'running fast'. He likes to tell stories about what he did that day. He builds block castles then knocks them over and says 'boomies'! He also knows what he wants and when he wants it and says C'mon!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What time is it Carsy?...

..."Night Night...Not now soon soon!" That is a typical conversation before bedtime. Other new phrases are "Running fast?", "Car wash", "Carsy do it" and "Swimming pool". He loves raisins and making faces in the mirror, and also spotting himself in the TV monitors at the grocery store. He pointed out all the baby piggies at the zoo and copied the kangaroo who was hopping. He sang happy birthday to grandpa this week and put stickers on everyone. Most importantly though, he wants to walk by himself everywhere!!!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

"Carsy did it"

Our little toddler is getting so smart! He spotted a spider on the wall and started singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider". He loves music and singing. His new vocabulary includes: "open this", "hold it?", "right there", "found it!", "ice cream cone" and "Carsy did it". He also tries to put real sentences together which is cute. Recently he swam in the pool, played hockey and still loves the sprinklers at the park. Carsy runs everywhere and also enjoys racing his toy cars. His favorite shows are Bubble Guppies and Go Diego Go and he brings us books to read every night before bed.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Little 'C' is getting braver by the day... he had a blast climbing and sliding at Monkey Joe's and spotting all the animals at Tiger World. He tries to say full sentences and has added the FreshBeat Band to his list of favorite shows. Another new favorite is the movie series 'Cars'. He uses his bottle less and less and has mastered using a spoon and fork. He also repeats almost everything he hears!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Beach Beach and more Beach

Carsy's words of the week are 'sea shells', 'seat belt' and 'scary'. He's getting so brave at the beach and is starting to love the water as much as he does in his bath. He is also very energetic and runs everywhere, and he loves to sing to himself and his family.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Cute Carsy

Carson can drink from a straw! Way to go buddy! He is a curious little chatterbox, and enjoys, among other things, saying the names of all his family members. He is a fruit, veggie, pasta and ice cream lover. Carsy is very outgoing and a great dancer, and has a quick left foot when he kicks a soccer ball. He likes Percy the train, Warehouse Mouse, reading and his 'wheels on the bus' book, all animals, building blocks and saying 'all aboard'! We love you buddy.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Beach Bum

Carsy loved digging in the sand, chasing seagulls and finding crab holes at Wrightsville beach. He's more talkative than ever and loves to sing Ring-Around-the-Rosy and If-You're-Happy-and-you-know-it. He's even starting to put short sentences together like 'it's ok TJ'.

Carsy videos can be found at

Friday, May 27, 2011


Carsy loved his ice cream cake and blowing out the candles! He loves doing 'cheers' with his cup and was happy when everyone sang happy birthday!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Carson's New Friends

Carson visited a drive-thru Ranch in Mooresville,NC this week. He spotted animals left and right and especially liked the baby ones. Carson threw food pelets to the zebras, antelopes, horned cows, giraffes, deer, llamas, bison and ostriches that brushed against the car.

Carson used the potty this week and his 2nd birthday is just days away! His daycare pals are Charlie, Isaac and Riley.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cake and eat it too

Carsy loves Nanny's cupcakes and wants "i-ceam" everyday instead of dinner! What a little stinker! He has learned to say "cupcakes", "elephant" and "goldfish" almost perfectly. He loves to slide and yells "nee" when he's flying down. He also has a passion for bubbles, a word that he can say quite well also. He loved the horses he saw this week too.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

First update to Carson's Blog !!!!

Carson's 2nd birthday is coming soon! He loves watching Dora, Mickey ("Hot dog") and Charlie. He has learned some new words like 'splash', 'pancakes', 'ice cream', 'thank you', 'air plane', etc... He likes taking TJ for walks and holding the leash too!

This past week, Carson had fun jumping in an inflatable bouncy tent; and petting a horseshoe crab at discovery museum!