Monday, February 25, 2013

Carson Gardner 53

It's 2013 and Carson picked up where he left off in 2012, full of energy and very active! In less than 2 months, he has visited friends, attended a birthday party, played in the snow, rode his bike, been to 'Canes hockey games, played organized soccer, visited a dinosaur exhibit, played tennis... and more!!! He also enjoys pretending to have phone conversations and has affectionately dubbed himself 'Carson Gardner 53' (after Jeff Skinner). He talks about re-uniting with Eric and Monica constantly, and Carson is becoming very well-spoken, especially when talking about his first love, hockey: "Popcorn has nuts in it, at the bottom...I like cotton candy and hot dogs, we'll eat them tomorrow...I don't need water though, I have my water with the deer on it." He also regulary sings the 'Good Old Hockey Game' song, while playing or at dinner or whenever! He's very inquisitive and can't be fooled anymore! This little 3 year old will soon be 4, so let the fun begin! New/favorite phrases include: I changed my mind, do magic..abra-ca-dabra, and let's do puppets!